sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2010

Rock-paper-scissors Pedra, papel e tesoura じゃんけん

Today it's my day off..I'm studying as usually ,suddenly i found this article. It makes me remember my school's time....Solong。。。

The players count aloud to three, or speak the name of the game (e.g. "Rock! Paper! Scissors!" or "Ro! Cham! Beau!"), each time raising one hand in a fist and swinging it down on the count. On the third count (saying "scissors!" or "Beau!"), the players change their hands into one of three gestures, which they then "throw" by extending it towards their opponent. Variations include a version where players use a fourth count — "Shoot!" — before throwing their gesture, or a version where they only shake their hands twice before "throwing". The gestures with the Japanese names are:
  • Rock, represented by a clenched fist.
  • Scissors, represented by the index and middle fingers extended and separated.
  • Paper, represented by an open hand, with the fingers connected (horizontal).
The objective is to select a gesture which defeats that of the opponent. Gestures are resolved as follows:
  • Rock blunts or breaks scissors: rock wins.
  • Scissors cut paper: scissors win.
  • Paper covers or captures rock: paper wins.
If both players choose the same gesture, the game is tied and the players throw again. If the gestures chosen on each throw were truly random, the average number of throws required to decide a winner would be 1.5

Hoje é meu dia de folga .. eu como sempre estou estudando , de repente, eu encontrei este artigo. Me fez lembrar o meu tempo de escola ....Que saudades...

No jogo de Pedra, Papel, Tesoura, os jogadores devem simultaneamente esticar a mão, na qual cada um formou um símbolo (que significa pedra,papel ou tesoura). Então, os jogadores comparam os símbolos para decidir quem ganhou, da seguinte forma:
  • Pedra ganha da tesoura (amassando-a ou quebrando-a).
  • Tesoura ganha do papel (cortando-o).
  • Papel ganha da pedra (embrulhando-a).
A pedra é simbolizada por um punho fechado; a tesoura, por dois dedos esticados; e o papel, pela mão aberta. Caso dois jogadores façam o mesmo gesto, ocorre um empate, e geralmente se joga de novo até desempatar.

今日は休みです。。。相変わらず勉強をしております, 何と無く,これを見つけて私の学校時代を思え出した。懐かしいね


「じゃんぽんけん」と言う場合もあり、その場合は通常ルールでは負ける人が、勝つというルールであり、 通常ルールでは勝つ人は、この場合は負ける。

*all the rights authorized to wikipedia*

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